Wednesday 9 October 2013


It's that time of year again. 4th term marks the homestretch of another year, ending in exams, parties, presentation nights, Santa Claus and the celebration of Jesus' birth.
Shoes are polished, shirts are ironed, lunches are packed, afternoon tea is (for now) sushi and fruit but I'm sure, come the end of term, they'll be sucking on candy canes and running out the door with shoes that resemble little more than rubber flippers and shirts so stained that they are thrown in the bin on the last day, with out so much as a thought of Napisan.

I woke up early this morning with my happy face on, but by 7:45am it was on the droop. Reality slapped me in the face in the form of 'Our Morning Show'.....nothing has changed, thats the reality of our school morning routine. It's tough going. One is organised, two are not. One is quiet, two are not. Two tease, one doesn't. One back chats, two don't. One does his jobs, two forget. None brush their teeth unless I put a bomb under them....and on and on it goes.

So God, I will offer up Term 4 for those who need it most, but I beg you for patience and a joyful homestretch to Christmas.

With Love
Liv xo

PS: I'm a little stoked with this new photo App I scored today, 4 pics in 1, Thanks Janie (I'm a bit  hell of a long way behind the times, but slowly catching up!!)


  1. making lunches...I hate it with a passion.

  2. Sharon, I ummmed and arrrred for a while (because he already works really hard) but I asked hubby to do it at the start of this year! It worked a treat. I still make them occasionally to give him a break but I am so grateful. Go on, ask! (I bet you do homework, bath time, bedtime, stories, prayers etc....sometimes we just have to put the idea in their heads. x

  3. Yes... term 4... it's a tough one.
